Photographer: Vanessa Macaulay becomes a QPuzzles Contributor QPuzzles

Vanessa is a professional photographer based in Melbourne, Victoria. My love of photography developed from watching my Pa's regular slide shows and was fuelled further in my early teens when my uncle gave me his beloved Minolta 110 film camera.

After many years as a music teacher, I slowly transitioned to becoming a full-time photographer once my children came along. When our young son was diagnosed with cancer, we found ourselves unable to travel. Still keen to discover new and fascinating places, I decided I would need to create my own.

Experimenting with many, many layers in Photoshop, my imagination opened up, and magical buildings started to come to life. I have kept my passion alive by entering the AIPP Australian Professional Photography Awards (APPA) every year and am honoured to have experienced some humbling success.

Here are some examples of her work:

Colours of Spring (Landscape)

House On The Hill (Landscape)